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  1. These are great tips. It’s so true that if you act a certain way, you will start to feel it! And looking for helpers. Solo women and moms have often looked out for me when I’ve been on my own. Happy travels to you!

  2. Great tips! The thing that I try to do most when traveling solo is to simply follow my gut; and be aware of my surroundings.

  3. Kathy Elliott says:

    Good tips. As a senior solo traveler many years for work, I agree with all of them! In addition to finding your “helpers”, you can tag along with a group walking down the street. Particularly after dinner and walking from the restaurant back to my hotel, I’ve done this staying close enough if I need help without creeping on the group. And even if they ask you what you’re doing, they’re likely to be happy to escort you anyway!

  4. Stephanie says:

    I love these tips and will need to try some of them on my next trip. I need to buy the door lock !

  5. Some good tips, not just for solo travel, but also when you’re traveling with others. Or if you’re just exploring your own neighborhood.

  6. I love the idea of the STEP program for alerting Americans to dangers when traveling abroad. I wish Canada had something similar, I’ll have to do some digging to find out if we do. Great tips!

  7. Jennifer Record says:

    Some great advice..eps. about lying… I think it’s smart to present an appearance that would deter people from trying to engage or take advantage.. I tell my daughter to do this all the time to stay safe…